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How to meet me   Booking   Calendar   Consideration


BookingPlease fill out the answers to the following questions. Omitting information will just prolong the screening process. You can copy and paste these and your answers to an email, and send it to HollyB (at) hollyadventures.com.

Make sure you are contacting me at least two weeks before you would like to meet if we will be meeting in Las Vegas, and at least three weeks if we will meet elsewhere. While I endeavor to respond within 24 hours to your email, this is not always feasible for me, especially if I am traveling abroad. Please allow at least 48-72 hours for my response.

I am excited at the prospect of meeting you!

First and last name: 

Email address (Think twice about using your office email- perhaps yahoomail.com or hotmail.com would be more secure):

Place of employment and occupation:

Work number (main line, through an operator):

Work number (direct):

Story for call (am I a drycleaner? Dentist? Etc.):

Business website:

City and state of residence:

Number at which you prefer I contact you: 

Date and time of desired engagement:

Location of desired engagement (city, state):

Hotel at which you will be staying:

Duration of desired engagement:

How did you find me? Please don't say "the 'Net". I know that already! ;) Be as specific as possible. Ex., Google (add search terms), review board (please name it), message board (please name it), Pearl Elite, Online Directory (please name it), Eros Guide, Referral from a friend, link on another companion's site

Please write a letter of introduction and tell me about yourself, OR answer a few of the following questions:

1. What are you currently reading? (Or, what was the last thing you read?)

2. What is your favorite drink?

3. What kind of food is your favorite?

4. Where was your favorite vacation?

5. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time (i.e., hobbies, pastimes, etc.)?

6. What is your Meyers-Briggs personality type?


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